How to load an animation file from Airtable or Firebase?

I want my user not to get bored during the wait if any function takes time to load the data. So I thought to change the loading animation often. How can I change the loading animation with a backend?

use current day of the month block connected to a data source +

I want to know that how to load an animation file from the Airtable or Firebase

Well it depends. A) What sort of data are you planning to pull that would take enough time to need an animation? B) If you link your app to firebase you can simple change the link for where you’d pull the animation from though it would just be easier to pre-load several into the app and have the app call them at random when needed.

Great idea, But I tried it and didn’t work. Maybe I didn’t do it properly. Can someone share me the blocks to do that?

Block to do which part?

To load the animation from firebase.

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