How to list and access Whatsapp group using Thunkable?

Using this simple program I can send Whatsapp messages and it works perfectly. My questions are:

  1. Is there way to get the name to number mapping? Right now I just give the number and Whatsapp resolves it. Is there a way to access the phone name list from Thunkable?
  2. Can I list the Whatsapp group available for me via Thunkable?
    Once I have list can I choose the Whatsapp group of my preference?
    After selecting can I send the message to the set of groups?
    Kindly advice.
    Has the Whatsapp interface to external apps. This works for Android too.

@anandavardhana57zwwl It sounds like what you’re needing is the Whatsapp API to grab this data.

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Thanks Matt, This is very good and might work. I think this is the only option

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