How to get all Airtable Multiple Select items to show up in Thunkable?

When using a Multiple Select Field Type in Airtable, only the first selection shows up in Thunkable table.
Here is the Multiple Select column in Airtable and the multiple selections made for each of the records:

And here is the data in Thunkable, where it only includes the first choice:

Even in blocks when told to display information from that column, only the first selections from each record appear. So how do I get Thunkable to include all selections in Airtable’s Multiple Select field type?

To get those values, I think you’ll need to use Airtable API’s filterByFormula.

There are a few topics related to that, such as this:

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This post and the ones that follow it suggest this is possible:

I don’t understand how to use these tools/codes, I’m a beginner at both Thunkable and Airtable. So far all I’ve done is make a small spreadsheet in Airtable and linked & displayed it in Thunkable.

What I suggested is pretty advanced use of Thunkable.

So I recommend you instead try to convert the multiple item column into a single item/string in Airtable.

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Okay thank you, I’m marking your filterByFormula answer as the solution since it is the answer even if it’s not an answer I can use right now