How to create a scorable survey

I’m trying to create a personal assessment app. There will be multiple questions, each with a choice of answers. Answers must be assigned different values so the a total can be generated at the end of the assessment. That total would then yield something like a Red/Yellow/Green score. Example would be a stress survey where a certain threshold (score), if exceeded, would generate a Red (you are very stressed out). I copied a quiz app to get started, but not sure how to change it so that there is no correct answer, just answers with scores attached to each. Thanks for any help.

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Welcome to Thunkable.

Please show what you’ve tried so far and where you got stuck.

The community here are very supportive and will for certain help but they cannot start from nothing.

I’ve assigned scores to various answers throughout the app. This is a survey, so when a user clicks on a button matching a condition they wish to report, the app turns that button red and changes the variable “by 100”. I have set the initial variable number to “0.” The variable is a button. I do not know how to grab whatever value is in the button so that I can increase it by the value of the user-reported condition. I thought I didn’t have to do that with a “when, do” logic statement that commands “change [app variable score] by [100]”.

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Can you show your blocks please?

I tried to cut and paste, but that doesn’t work. How shall i do that?

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You can take a screenshot and then drag it into a forum post.

You can also resize the image once it’s in the forum post:

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On the page where the app variable resides, I have no blocks. I’m assuming I have to define the button named Fatigue Score as a variable somewhere?

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When you name an app variable with a name such as Fatigue score. This name will be the name of the variable and changing it will not effect the button even if the button is named Fatigue score.

If you want to change the text in the button you will do something like this



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So I want the text in the button to be an initial value of “0”. With each click of a button somewhere else (like the example above for ASAP/ASR), I want the text to represent the new value. In the example, the variable would start at 0 with initialization, then change to 200 once that button is clicked. Everything else is working except for that one button representing score.

Let me re-state. Your example below might work.

The problem is that I cannot type in the name of the button who’s text I want to change. The button is on another page, so it doesn’t appear in the dropdown menu.

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If you want to change the value of a button’s text on a different screen, you will need to “pass” that value in a variable. Variables work across all screens. Whatever value you store on one screen will be available on another screen.

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Thank you. The name of my variable is the same name as the button. I guess I am being confused by that.

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Outstanding - thanks to you both. Got it.