How to connect google excel sheet *URGENT*

Hi! I am in urgent need of help because I need to submit this project in 2 days and I’m stuck with linking excel with thunkable. How do I link google excel sheet with thunkable through google firebase datastorage. Help would be much appreciated!

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Are you using Thunkable Classic or Thunkable ✕?

Thunkable X. My app doesn’t seem to be opening the googlesheets and I can’t edit cause of it.

Then please change your topic to #thunkable-cross.

Oh sorry first time commenting on the forum, how do I change it?

There should be a pencil next to this topic’s caption. Click it and you should be able to edit, the caption itself, the topic you put it in and the tags you added. Once you are done click the blue check mark. Discard your changes with the cross

Wait… This is already in thunkable x isn’t it, I don’t see any other option with a cross or what so ever… Sorry for the trouble

Anyone knows how use any other method to link google sheets, other than webviewer for thunkable X? Much help would be appreciated :slight_smile:

Have you tried cloudstitch? Very simple to implement

Nope… Not sure what’s that. How does that work?