Hello, how do I save information in Firebase within another information? Or maybe how do I store information with other information already inside it? And then how do I retrieve this information and put it in a label?
Hello, how do I save information in Firebase within another information? Or maybe how do I store information with other information already inside it? And then how do I retrieve this information and put it in a label?
In this case they are lists, I used lists to create and not objects, how do I create data inside? Using this code:
Use cloud variable instead of realtimedb1
Because your Firebase path uses a list, you’ll need to change value of the cloud variable called “usuarios[4].tstse” because it’s the 4th item in the list.
I don’t think you understand, I just want to keep a piece of information inside another piece of information that is already created.
I thought that was what I was explaining how to do. Can you give a clear example of what you want? It helps if you show a before and after image or text to give a specific example of the data that changes and the data that stays the same.
Actually I think I’m wrong, but I don’t know how to do that, could you show me an example? Pls
In this case, I wanted to save a piece of information in firebase using the list, but at the same time I wanted to save other values within that value that I just created, you know?
No. I would need to see an actual example with actual values.
Use This instead
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