How do I create a conversion from (entered) Pounds to Kg

I would like design a page that takes an inputted weight and converts it in into kgs and then automatically calculates specific medicine dosages based upon kg. How do I do this using blocks? Thanks so much!!!

You can use the math blocks to multiply a text input’s text by a number.

If you get stuck, post a screenshot of blocks you’ve tried.

Thanks so much for the link! Amazing!!
I got the user to be able to put in a weight in pounds into the box, but I want the Kg to go into another box so that it shows both the lb and kg on the same page. How do I get the kg box to take the entered Lbs and convert it? Does this make any sense? Thanks so much!!!

Can you post a link to your project? I can modify it to work and share a new link. Shared links create a copy of a project so your original will not be changed at all.

If I post a link it will be public, right?
Is there any way I can just post it to you?

Yes, it would be a public link. You’re welcome to send a private message with the link instead.

I would set it up this way:

Rather than requiring the user to click on the text input, the conversion can be calculated immediately when the weight in pounds is changed. These blocks also prevent the text input from displaying “NaN” (Not a Number) and from displaying Kg when there is no Lb value entered.

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you are, kind sir, a genius.

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Thank you! But it’s really just about having used and practiced with this tool for a long time. It also helps that I have a minor in Computer Science. Knowing a programming language helps because the Thunkable blocks are build on the same logic and sequencing. I’m not a great coder when it comes to scripted languages but I feel pretty competent with Thunkable. It’s a great tool!

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