How can I upload my app file to ios?

I published my ios app by “thunkable menu”.

It doesn’t submitted well.

Because it doesn’t appear under the Testflight tab in my App Store Connect dashboard.

  1. How can I know it(my app project) submitted well or not by “thunkable menu”?

  2. If it doesn’t submitted well, How can I do?
    I tried to publish again by “Thunkable Menu” and generate
    “Provisioning Profile” but error message is “The provisioning
    profile is not generated using the certificate you uploaded

Thunkable Instruction :
If your app is submitted successfully, it should appear under the Testflight tab in your App Store Connect dashboard.

I see the following error message in the publishing process by Thunkable, how can I avoid it?

Error Message

“The provisioning profile is not generated using the certificate you uploaded previously.”

We send you an email when your app is send to the App Store:

We also email you - but if it isn’t submitted we tell you what went wrong and give you tips on how to fix it.

There is a step-by-step guide to creating the provisioning profile in the Publishing Docs:

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