How can i share Google direction Navigation link on button click

I would like to know how can I share the link of google map direction on button click. As Share block doesnt have the option currently (or I dont know how).

I can visualise the direction on web view but it is not convenient for the user of the system.


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You can use share message and in the message type:

Where 47.5951518%2C-122.3316393 is the latitude: longitude

Thank you @muneer I have tried it but it shares the link as a text. So it suggest the social media apps and so but not google map

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To automatically open Google maps use the following latitude,longitude

Replace the latitude and longitude with your coordinates

Hi @muneer Sorry for the late reply. I have tried that one as well, but the same results. It just share it as a text not a link to open the app.

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The subject of the topic is “How can I share…” but if you want to open the Maps App then use the Open Link component in the Control drawer.

Okay sorry for the confusion. Can you point me to where I can find it (like a screenshot or something). I am using xthunkable (not the drag and drop version, but the other one).

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See the last block

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Okay, thanks a lot for your help.

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