I’m new to Thunkable so I do not know much and sorry if my question is a noob question but you know how in Instagram when someone likes your picture and you go in notification and you can scroll through these notifications. Can you do that in Thunkable?
If you are looking for the “theory” of can it be done, I would say I’m 90% sure something like that could work. I haven’t seen an example though.
You may need to initially load 10 or 20, and then when they get to the bottom of the list have a button to load more that inserts more? That would involve some of the Clone blocks that I haven’t had much time to play with.
The idea for the endless list you can see from this project. Imagine that a new piece of data that is displayed when you press the button on the screen Rundom, as says @darren.
Could you make a video it’s been a while since you uploaded videos hope you are doing okay missing you