Hi how do i code an app for schduling appointemts

Hi im very young and Ive just stared using thunakble and for a mini project i want to code an app to keep track of appointemnts and medication how do i do that?

Welcome to Thunkable! Your questions is too big. Try to think about the steps you will need to make that app and then ask a specific question about a specific step.

Include as many details as you can. Screenshots or a link to your project should be included with your question.

There are tutorial videos you can watch on YouTube to get started with Thunkable.

or sorry ill try to be more specific,im trying to get these two screens to interact. When the user inputs the prescription it is shown on the schedule then they can tap into it and view thw prescription in detail here is a link Thunkable
this is a screenshot of the UI version

sample  1
sample 2

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