Help with WEB API POST Request

I have a problem, i want to make a POST, but i dont know how. Its for create a PDF document from html code, the Web Api is pdfcrowd.

This his how i can make the request, but i cannot called correctly.

I want to know if someone can do it.

Thanks, sorry but english is not my first language.

oh…I am also a beginner. Which platform is this?Not thunkable

Hi @mercadovirreyes05

We have a series on Youtube about using the Web API component:

There are also a few examples of POST requests here in the community.

Can you tell us what error message or response code you’re seeing?

Thanks for your time and support.

I tried to use the curl parameter in the web api headers and then in the parameters, and I don’t have any response, authorization error or just a “null”. I am really just experimenting because I don’t know even if the curl can be called in the that I tried to do it.

Please any suggestions means a lot to me.

My intention is generate a pdf file from a html code or html text.

In advance, thank you, for your time.

You will probably want to create the PDF using the HTTP API?

I imagine here is where you might start (though I could be mistaken!)


If you use create object it can create the json headers you need for the API to create the PDF. That link has most of what you need to complete it.

(ignore the button click component that’s just for the example)

Hi Eric, it make sense. I tried a different method by making a list. I am going to tried in the way that you suggest. And post here if it is the correct way.

Thank you.

Authorization failed- Provide a valid username and API key.

Is the error code that i get.

But i dont have idea if what i am doing is remotely correct.


The body shouldn’t be curl.

You need to start with this:

Put your correct API key in there and don’t add the colon ‘:’ after Authorization, it will do that for you when you click the Add button

Then you can use these options in the create object component
like this:

I don’t have a valid API key but that should return a URL which you can put in an “Open Link” Control Component :blush::+1: