First time poster here!
I’ve been teaching elementary students how to build apps with Thunkable this school year. I will be visiting a school that is learning about habitats, and specifically the habitat of the Karner Blue butterfly. We are going to make a simulation that shows how humans can promote the growth of the butterfly population by burning back brush (for a video on this, see here: Uniquely NH: Karner blue butterfly - YouTube).
I have two problems with my test file so far.
#1 - I would love to make it more efficient. Can I accomplish the same project with less steps? I have limited time, and 10 year olds can only do so much in one sitting!
#2 - I set a global variable to keep track of the “score” so the user knows that they “won” when all the brush is burned back. But if they burn the same brush sprite twice, the score still goes up. How do I make it so the score does not increase if the same image sprite is collided with a second or third time?
I apologize if these questions have been answered in the forum before. I searched already for answers to these but was not successful. Thanks for any help you can give!
Butterfly_Test.aia (1.0 MB)