Help with local DB Blank Row

I am randomly pulling data from a local db, but local db always has a blank row, so sometime when i get random row i get that blank row, is there a way to exclude that blank row from being selected?

Why does it have a blank row? Can you just remove the blank row?

empty row
Local db always has this empty row for typing more data in, but when i have something pull randomly from the db it will sometime pull this empty row and return Null.

trying to figure out a way if it pulls this empty row it just does the randomization again or similar solution.

Right click on the last row and choose delete row. It’s there by default but that doesn’t mean you have to keep it in your data source. By the way, when you delete it, it will still look like it’s there. I believe that’s a display bug but it does delete the row.

You can do this

maxrow = LentghOf(LocalDB_Table1(get_all_rows)))-1

rowID = random(maxrow)
row= LocalDB_Table1_get(rowid=rowID)

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