Help with barcode scanner. My queistion is shows below

как сделать так чтобы при скан баркод нам выходила информация с сканированого баркода по google sheet

Hi there and Welcome to Thunkable!

There are many ways to interact with QR Codes and Google Sheets - but i’m afraid to provide more info i’d need more details.

What is that you want to do in details?

Thank you!

так чтобы при сканированиии баркод я получал информацию о продукте и с google sheet.

Yes, you can. It’s very easy and i used it many times - took me some tries but definitly doable.

Have a look at this first: Google Sheets Data Source | Thunkable Docs
When scanning a barcode it always gives you a string value, you can create QR Codes with

Next steps:

  • Create a qr code in (free)
  • Create a database in Google Sheets or Airtable (i personally like more Airtable as you can play with it a bit more and is very similar to Google Sheets)
  • Fill you database with info
  • Watch this tutorial about Google Sheets, or this one About Airtable
  • Show us your blocks that should include a Barcode scanner reader and database blocks

Once you show your blocks, if you have any trouble i am sure you can get some help here!