Help. Scrollable only works in the editor

Hi devs,
Can someone help me with the following problem?
I have on a screen a form (Col) to register a crop with basic information and more. The form is a bit big so it must be scrollable, although I have enabled the option, it does not work in Live Testing nor in Thunkable Live(Android).

I have already generated the APK and installed it on my Samsung Galazy S20 FE and on an Android emulator on my PC and the scroll doesn’t work either.

ColForm.Scrollable = True
ColForm.width = FillContainer
ColForm.height = FillContainer
Screen.Scrollable = False

PS: In the designer the scroll does work.

Hi @luis.perez.developer thanks for reaching out about this.

When you are viewing the page on Thunkable Live, Live Preview, etc. are you sure that it is not showing you all of the data and thus, not needing to scroll?

Hi Mate,
I have more components down, scrolling works only in the editor.

Can you show your screen in the web preview? Is all the information showing in the viewable size of that screen? That could be the reason why it is not scrolling in the web preview.

In the “Preview” and “Live test” the Map component is not displayed.

So the reason it is not scrolling in the Live Preview is that all of the information fits within the height of the screen. Maps are only available via the Thunkable Live app on Android or iOS. When you open the project in Thunkable Live and go to this screen, is it not scrolling?

I initially said

Try changing this column height to Fit Contents and see if that allows you to scroll. Thank you!

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