Help me in list to do

need help. I made a to do list following a tutorial on youtube. When I finished designing the app, I tried it and found a problem, every time someone adds something to the list of what she added appears for everyone. I would like to know how to make this app “private”, any person to add to your list to do just stay on her phone and not on anyone else’s.
follows code images

Hey! Wecome to the community @feiradeciencias2dgz7, can i direct you to my cloud app?

with the cloud app, you need to first have some way to login. perferably using firebase. with that you can get a unique userID. save that to a stored variable after logging ing.

use that stored userID as part of the pathway for the notes you save in the cloud variable

cloud APPNAME/userID/notes

you create the cloud variable

set a function wiith return to be the pathway

create your cloud variable empty lists like this. this is also how i reference the variable any other time. with that special variable block, not the one with the dropdown menu

the most up to date link

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hi jared, int if i got it right i have to create a login screen to make the app “private”. After I create the login screen via firebase what do I have to add or remove from my to do list blocks?
Att: I am from Brazil int I do not speak English, that is, I use the Google handler to communicate and understand what you say, int have a little patience for many times I cannot understand, I’m sorry :).
Joao Vitor

Ei! está certo. usando o Firebase para gerenciar seu sistema de login do usuário, você pode tornar suas informações um pouco mais seguras.

O bloco roxo do firebase para login possui um bloco verde chamado ‘userID’. Você pode usar esse bloco para definir uma variável armazenada para ter o mesmo valor e usá-la em outras telas. você faz isso na seção “then do” do bloco de entrada.

ok i will try here. if i don’t succeed i will return.
Joao Vitor

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