Have this message when i try to test the app tru the thunkable app

" something has gone wrong, check your blocks and reset this page"

i try reset and nothing.

do you have any red Errors on the bottem leftd in the bulder screen.

you will need to go thu your screens to have a look

THIS IS THE MESSAGE IN THE PHONE https://www.4shared.com/s/feCoahTIYge

What I would do is find your start and opening blocks on every screen and drag out all the components

Then try and run it again
Then add one screen at a time until you find the fault

And then remove those last blocks and slowly add in every time you try until the era happens

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Hey there! Sorry you’re experiencing this. Try the below solutions.


  • Insure that your variable blocks are defined and declared
  • Check if you entered correct data to Firebase or Data Sources blocks
  • Look for incomplete blocks
  • Duplicate your screen and check if the error stays the same on the new screen
  • Check Thunkable’s Server Status if the servers are down
  • Contact Thunkable support (last resort)