Google Map not changing Lat/Long/Zoom

Hi all,

I’m struggling to get the Google map component to change the maps overall lat/long/zoom. I have 3 buttons and when pressed the map should focus on a different area. This is simple & I have tested this in small test project so my blocks are fine.

Does anyone have experience with a google map not functioning as required? I have also messed with the overall lat/long/zoom on the designer tab when adding a map & no changes are happening, leading me to further believe the issue lies deeper with Thunkable.

My app is 16Mb and I am wondering whether this could be an upper limit of Thunkable capabilities.

Please share any thoughts!

Hi there,
I wasn’t able to replicate this issue. I could take a look at your project if you want to share the project link with me.

Hi @brianl

The issue seems to be solved by setting the maps lat/long/zoom after making it visible.

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