Google Map is not loading correctly?

Hi all,
I need help.
I am a new thunkable developer. I has developed a Thunkable App for showing water level forecasting in the Mekong Delta. In this app, I used Google Map to show the forecasting results at water level gates/sites. It loads correctly when I test my App used Thunkable Live as shown in the Figure 1 below. But, when I pusblish my App in the App Store and load it in my phone it does not loading correctly as Figure 2.
Does anyone know why? Please help me. Thank you very much.
Do Duc Dung (Vietnam)


Figure 1: Google Map loads correctly Figure 2: Google Map does not load correctly

My app: Thunkable
You can search my App in the App Store with a name DBSCL.


Have you entered the Google Map API Keys in the project settings?

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Thank you very much for your reply. I did enter the Google Map API keys in the project settings. See the Figure. When I publish for Android Phone, my App works fine (some of my users use *.apk file).


Please refer to this post to check that your settings in Google side is proper

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Dear Mr. Muneer Alshaikh,

Thank you very much for your reply. I follow the message to enable both “Maps SDK for Android” and “Maps SDK for iOS”. However, I don’t know which one I have to choose for setting API: restriction or no restriction.

These other question is that, in the project setting in thunakable there are two values of API one for iOS and one for Adroid. How do I get these values in Google Cloud Platform.

Thank you.
Do Duc Dung


You can choose no restrictions for the time being and make sure you have the settings in both SDK(s) then use the API(s) in your project settings.

Make sure you enable the service to get the API key

Re-download the project and test.

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Thank you very much for your quick reply. Is that right if I create two keys and set up for my App projecting?

Thank you.
Do Duc Dung


I can see the start of the API key for Android is different than that used in your project screen but the start of the iOS is correct.

Please insure you use the correct keys then download and install in your phone.

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Thank you very much.

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I knew I had seen this somewhere before. I am having the same exact problem. My maps key works great in a web viewer:

I used the same API key in a Maps component with Google and it worked great in the Thunkable Live app. Awesome! I published it to App Connect and, for some reason, it won’t load the map. I remembered seeing this post, so I went into my Google Cloud Console and created two credentials: an iOS API key and an Android API key. That should do the trick! So, I republished to App Connect and I still have a blank map:

Am I missing something?

Edit: Here’s the Thunkable Live version. Exactly what I want and using the same keys that aren’t working in the published app.

I submitted a bug report on GitHub:

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Why you started a topic after months

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It’s the same exact problem. I was under the impression that good etiquette was to continue a topic instead of starting a new one, especially if it is the same problem. This way, someone doesn’t point me back to this. I’ve already read it, it hasn’t been resolved (at least it hasn’t been marked as such), and I am having the same exact issue. And, if it was, there was no solution provided.

If I am mistaken, then I will start new topics in the future.