Get data by ID in column A of google spreadsheet

I searched the community for several hours and there was no way to help me.

I have a spreadsheet made up of the rows and columns of the columns.
They are the names of the subjects.
I am the grades, so it is the students, and each student has a personal ID that is in column A. But id and id are required to be the row number and not the number in the first column. Is there a way to solve this problem?

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Using a google spreadsheet

I’m sorry but your explanation is not clear to me. Maybe a screenshot of your spread sheet and mark what you want so someone from the community can help.

This is my spreadsheet



This is the interface of the application
The user enters an ID in the text box, and when he clicks, his academic grades appear in the other columns



But this problem does not search for the value in the first column, rather it will fetch the value of the original row number

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This is my spreadsheet



This is the interface of the application
The user enters an ID in the text box, and when he clicks, his academic grades appear in the other columns



But this problem does not search for the value in the first column, rather it will fetch the value of the original row number

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The row id is a special number not the code and not any of the columns.

You have to create a procedure to search for the ID your user enters and from there you get the “row id”.

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How to be this I am still a beginner

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In this case, it is better to use Firebase
The application will work twice as fast
And smooth

and you can build a web app and connect it to the same Firebase and you can use it as control-panel

Yes, I did not think about it. I can send the schedule data to the fire base and then receive the data from the application. Thank you for the solution

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