[feedback needed] Admob

Hello Thunkers!

Over all these years we have seen a lot of our users building amazing, successful apps, with lots of downloads, and making some revenue from them.

AdMob integration is currently available to assist creators in generating revenue from their apps.

For users who have not yet implemented AdMob, the process is largely described in the steps below:

Step 1: Integrate AdMob components into your app (AdMob components, app ids, tracking description, testing).

Step 2: Fill out this form and submit it here. (information needed: AdMob Publisher ID, Thunkable Project URL, your thunkable account email, Country, project URL, links to your published app on the app store and/or Google Play, Name, Description and Category of your app, etc.

Step 3: Accept our invitation to join our MCM Network.

Step 4: Our AdMob team reviews and approves your app.

Step 5: You publish your app.

Step 4: Our AdMob team reviews and approves your app.

Step 5: Make your app available for download.

Step 6: Check the AdMob platform for updates and follow up on Google messages. (For instance, rejection emails.)

Step 7: Gain traction for your apps, which will lead to revenue.

Do you think there is something unclear about the process?

With which step are you struggling the most?

Which of these steps was the most confusing to you when you were considering implementing AdMod? What exactly do you need to clarify?

What is your general opinion?

We would love to hear your valuable feedback!

@Carlos_Bieberach @trantkk @goktel @yumkoalayumg @richardmconley4 @ilyass5amrhar0rxuj @steven_dau @stefancd8 @contactingthedead @mohamed_azgaou @joong5836im0e @guicheraphaelg1hic @raouia_afri @enesbabekoglu1d @aroy30946 @Fernando_Matos @erlend0n5k2g @jonathonz315ybyt6 @jbd06026i

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Since you recently went through the Admob process, we would like to hear your thoughts!
Thank you for your time! :pray:

Unfortunately, the generated apk file is not starting on my android phone. After installation, when I click on the icon , it does not start? What could be wrong as it works fine in live test.
In addition, I am unable to download for ios, any solution?
I am, therefore,not sure how to evaluate this.
Please let me know.

Hello @goktel ,
Thank you for sharing your observation! Each case is different. There are many possible reasons for an app crashing. Could you please share your project URL in a personal message to further investigate it? We are always happy to offer support.

The project is here Thunkable.
The generated apk is crashing on my phone. Please let me know the changes that I need to make.
Version 3 did not crash though. How do revert back to this version?


Probably something specific is happening to this project because when I tested a copy of it, it worked Thunkable