Error when building for IOs

Command failed: cd ***/thunkableCompanionTemp/thunkableCompanion_712bcd8c-7da1-46a2-892a-25606a8e0082/ios && npx expo path && bundle exec fastlane beta app_identifier:‘com.thunkable.testapp1’ app_name:‘Jens’s Launcher’ xcode_project_path:’***/Documents/thunkable-for-ios/thunkableCompanionTemp/thunkableCompanion_712bcd8c-7da1-46a2-892a-25606a8e0082/ios/thunkablecompanion.xcodeproj’ /bin/sh: -c: line 0: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `’’ /bin/sh: -c: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file

Can anyone possibly assist?

Do you have any assets that have been uploaded (files) and if so do they have spaces or special characters in their names?

Make sure you have no errors in your blocks

cheers looking into that now