Error When Building App


My name is Sid, and I recently made a beginner app. I downloaded it, so I could test it, and I received an email that told me that there was an error when making the app. The details are below -

Command failed: cd /thunkableCompanionTemp/thunkableCompanion_802647c1-e5e1-4070-b990-32456a711bc9/ios && bundle exec fastlane beta app_identifier:‘com.thunkable.testapp1’ app_name:“The Everything Translator” xcode_project_path:'/Documents/thunkable-for-ios/thunkableCompanionTemp/thunkableCompanion_802647c1-e5e1-4070-b990-32456a711bc9/ios/thunkablecompanion.xcodeproj’ [31m [!] Error building the application - see the log above [0m

I do not quite know what the error is, whether its in my code or a host problem, or what I can do to successfully download my app. Could you help me?

Hey @sr7331nseh welcome to the community! :wave:

I’m not 100% sure from that error message what that root cause is (but thanks for sharing it with us!)

Can you send PMs here? If so, will you shoot me on a copy of your project and we’ll take a closer look for you. Thanks