Encountered multiple bug, please help fix it

  1. The names of sprites don’t update in the “block” view unless we refresh the webpage.
  2. Clones created from the “Create Sprite” block don’t move regardless of the speed we set.
  3. Lastly, I’m not sure if this is a bug or if my blocks are arranged incorrectly. Please check the screenshot. Every time I click the sprite, it should make the flappy face upwards and set the vertical speed to -600. The first, second, and third tries were okay, but on the last one, sometimes it just won’t update the speed and keeps going down. The label shows the vertical speed.


Here is the code:

I can’t help, but i just want to say that i love what you are doing, i never had chance to focus on a game but you are doing great with those blocks and nice graphics.

Well done, hope you will solve your problems,

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Hi, I have to make some test because there are a lot of new blocks that I don’t know but after a quick look I see that there is a gravity feature. You tried to implement this one ?