Downloading APK in Thunkable FREE

In thunkable when I download an app Then I want to download the same app again then it says All android builders and publishers are currently busy now please download after 20 Minutes or upgrade to PRO I am Indian and in indian rupees it doesn’t allow to buy pro I am working on free then I wait 20 minutes and then download it says after 1 hour then 2 hours then 3 and so on…
Can you do something about it THUNKABLE STAFF

I am also Indian. You can buy thunkable pro and an advanced feature is personal branding.

ok but the all android builders are busy now and it says download after 1 2 3 4 hours what about it???

I know that refresh, wait or contact staff

best time to download is early morning


ok then try midnight

but it says all the time after 1 2 hours I refresh it many times it does not do anythid the I wait and Download then it increases it by 1 hour

Its very irritating problem !!!

Contacting staff

Free users cannot and will not get the same priority as paid users.

woah i only need to mostly wait 10 mins for android and 4 hrs for ios sometimes more

This is not solved from 1 month any response?

does it work now?


what it says now

the same

Reach Thunkable support through the chat bubble in the bottom right screen of Thunkable.

as @eko.devs.apploroceo for me maximum it takes 20 minutes

at times only

well it depends on luck

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