Double Splash Screen Android


I got this warning on the pre launch report at Google Play Console.

Android compatibility issues


Double splash screen


The crawler detected a blank loading screen or a custom splash screen that is shown in your app after the system splash screen. Users launching your app on Android 12 or higher will see 2 splash screens.

To fix this issue, update your app to use the SplashScreen API.

I have tested the app in android and it is true, when I open the app I get the splash screen set up from thunkable with my app icon, then all white splash screen and the it goes to the first screen of my app. Anything I can do to fix?

@diego_techlsh2ak Thanks for reaching out.

This message is simply a warning rather than an error–there is nothing wrong with your app. You should be able to publish.

Well I’m glad I’ll be able to publish, but as far as I seen it is true, so would be nice if we can get a solution later,
