Display blank alert with Alert component

Hi Everyone,

I’m use Alert component for my app but i get display problem with it.
I attach my block.
in my case: TXT_Name is empty, TXT_Số lượng (number of orders) is empty

→ First, i click Button and get blank alert

→ Second, i click Button and get alert TXT_Name is empty (it’s ok), i fill TXT_Name is Trường
→ Third, i click Button and get alert TXT_Name is empty again. (it’s not ok)
→ Fourth, i click Button and get alert TXT_Số lượng (number of orders) is empty (it’s ok), i fill TXT_Số lượng (number of orders) is 30
→ Fifth, i click Button and get alert TXT_Số lượng (number of orders) is empty again, (it’s not ok)
and so on

Your alerts are empty because you are setting the message after the alert is confirmed by the user.

You need to set the message before you do “in Alert1 call Show” (put the “set Message” block above the “in Alert1 call Show” block).


Thank Tatiang very much.
This is solution.


@jane The documentation for Alerts could probably use a little revising. There’s not a good example of using the property blocks (Title, Message, etc.) and the one screenshot that’s provided – while a valid use of blocks – might be a bit misleading.


Thanks Tatiang I was also struggling with this. I am going to file a bug report. As you say the documentation and examples are not adequate.