Discord login extension or tutorial please

has someone a way to login with discord and get wich servers i am in? because i want to make a app that is only useable if he joined my discord server.

the best is if the answers come until this time.

I moved this to the appropriate section of the forum. Thunkable Classic is no longer an active project.

Do you have their (Discord) API docs? This would be where you need to start looking.

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Just know that if you’re in a hurry to get answers, it doesn’t mean we need to be in a hurry as well. Most of us here are users, just like you, and we volunteer our time to help each other. If you need faster help, you can contact Thunkable Support as long as you have a Pro membership.


Type This Discord in the web api get block. click the link above and enter your own id in the client id field.

Discord Developer Portal. docs.

i dont need answers fast i just sayed the best is if its this time

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Sorry if I misunderstood. Sometimes people expect a lot from the forums and want answers immediately.

this is already included in the main post @tatiang

more info, please!

i just started with thunkable.
i only used appinventor before.
the problem was that it doesnt work for ios

Can you tell us what you’ve tried so far or if you’ve completed any of the api tutorial videos from Thunkable online.

The solution you’re looking for isn’t easy. But it’s doable!

Hint: you’ll need to use a webviewers send/receive function :wink:

You’ll need to host the html file in an online sever for now, as an aside. GitHub pages is perfect for this use case.

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i try it later

See the thunkable web API docs and

how to use it?

How to use what? If you’re asking for help with the API, there are lots of tutorials about that on the forums and YouTube. It’s better to ask specific questions about specific steps in the process.


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