Device cache - experiencing preview app performance issues

Is there a way to know what thunkable or the thunkable preview app puts into the devices cache?

Im experiencing slow down in the preview app on 2gb ram iphones and I think it has to do with my blocks? How can I trouble shoot this? Or do you have a support page that talks about things that contribute to cache?

Also reached out to in app customer support.


I do experience slow performance while using GIF.

The problem is that Thunkable doesn’t close the screens if navigating to a new screen, it opens the new one but the previous one remains opened, so all the animations and GIFs on them run in the background which leads to a slow permormance.

To speed things up I decided to clear all of the GIF’s from code before opening a new screen, so they don’t run in the background.


I dont use gif

I was checking the iPhone cache settings on my iPhone 8, and I am not finding great results. Not even the Thunkable app is showing cache settings.This has been omen thing about apple products that has driven me insane. I was referencing these two sites to make sure. Keep us posted if you see anything different on your side.