[Design Template] iOS Swipeable Screens

Hey Thunkers,

We’ve been getting a few questions on how to create a swiping navigation for your app. Thanks to Tinder and other dating apps, we know this is now a very popular way to move around your app.

Click to copy


We just created a new section in our docs for design templates – if you want to submit yours, I’d be happy to add it to our docs (so that you can get more shares!).



This is great! Thanks for sharing the template! I was just about to try and figure this out today, and then I saw your post. Perfect timing. :raised_hands:

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I would like to be able to swipe back and forth between screen 1 and screen 2 (working great). Each time I swipe back to screen 1, I’d like to set the text in Label3 to random, as well as select a random background color. I was thinking that each time I swipe back to screen 1, screen one would “start.” But I don’t think that’s the case. Any tips for how I can randomize this content each time the user returns to screen 1 via swipe?

Here’s a screenshot of what I have started:

Any tips greatly appreciated! :grinning:

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Problem copying shared project: Private projects are only available to PRO accounts :frowning: