Dataviewer fields showing as grey boxes when there is no data

I have just downloaded an apk of a project and in all of my dataviewers, where there are picture fields, instead of showing nothing when there is no data for a particular row, it is instead showing a grey box.

I have also just updated the thunkable live app, and the issue is also happening on there now too.

Thunkable staff - any insight would be much appreciated!

Hello @tomwilburwright7vu
You need image URLs that end in a file extension such as PNG, JPG, GIF, SVG, etc.

Hi. I think you’ve misunderstood.

The rows with images that are showing as grey don’t have any data in their linked data source. Up until the latest update, any rows with no data for picture fields would simply show no picture at all. But now they are showing as grey boxes/circles.

Please see attached screenshot as a comparison.

Is anyone else experiencing this issue? Would be great to have an update on this, Thunkable staff.