Data only show the first 2 labels

Why is my data only show the first 2 labels and not all of them.
Using google sheets.

Only showing Datum and Beskikbaar.

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What is in the variable that you use as Row ID?

Is this valid for all other tables?

I am only using 1 table here, It use the date, let me make a new column and use Id and see what is is doing

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Yes, I can see that but using different columns inside the file. So are all sheets have this Row ID that is in the variable you are using.

I am only using one sheet, did add Id in googlesheet, but still not showing all info., I am new to this, but where is my problem

It is very difficult to offer any help if you cannot answer the question.

You are using a variable called Inligting, what is in this variable?

Another thing, Your sheet is showing the second row has the 3rd column empty. Please add something in that column and don’t leave it empty then check again.

Thank you, making the other columns 0, it is showing.

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