I am trying to create an app to use with my students where they can take an image of work they have done and then add notes, once they have done this I want the image to save to another screen as a list so students can scroll through the images select and image and then bring up the image and the notes they have taken. I am really not sure on how to get the data to store and retrive into the lis. I have searched high and low for an english tutorial.
A snippet of code or link to video would be amazing
Now in Thunkable X the list can only work with options that represent text. So, in the list you can save a note and a link to the image via the separator symbol. You can save the images in AirTable and work with them through the SpreadSheet component. You can upload images to AirTable either from the AirTable project management environment or from the SpreadSheet component. Documentation for work with this component -
When you select a list item, go to another screen and display in the Image and Label the data related to the selected list item. To do this, select the note line and the image url from the list option.
Do you understand this general algorithm of action?
Yes I think I get it. I will have a try.
Thanks. I alot of the videos are not English so learning is a stuggle
If in the process of work you have difficulties, then do not hesitate to look at the documentation and ask questions here.