Create Unique Item List

I am new here … and I embraced as I could not do very simple things… Can some help.

I have list of answers – LIst_All_Option = A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K

I want list of unique_options = Answer + 3 random and unique items picked from LIst_All_Option

Can someone please help?

Thanks in advance

It sounds like you might be making a quiz. If so, you can Google quiz Thunkable for ideas on how to get started. If you get stuck, post a screenshot of your blocks and someone may be able to help you.

My question is more about List- Can you please help on that line?.
How to create sub-list of unique values from master list

I will check the quiz app but many quiz will have preloaded option.

Thank you… In old days on App Inventor, there use to snippet @Taifun that was back in 2015-16… I lost all the track and this is very new to me @tatiang please help.

This is the easiest way to get a random sublist of a list:

Note that there is a bug that prevents this from working if you use a variable with the [shuffle] block. I just reported it here.

Awesome… This will work. nice workaround…

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