Create a post and save it in Airtable


I want to create a post after the “ToPost_Button” is clicked and a new row is created in Airtable, finally navigating the user to “Home”.

I have done what you see in the image and although I have tried other ways it does not work.

Thanks in advance and please attach an image of the block/s in the answer.

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What’s is not working?

The row is not created in the table?

Or it does not navigate to home?

Or all?

All of the above

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Can you remove the image11 and run it without this field?

Leave it unassigned or assign a text to it.

Yes, it works when I remove the image 11 but in what other way can I show that to the user?
I thought variables would work and I was wrong

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Airtable uses a field of type Attachment to store images and other file types.

Yes in my Airtable I have a column named “Pictures” with the field attachment, but it doesn´t save the image.

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Airtable only supports files from fully qualified URLs so you might need to try to upload your image to cloudinary first and obtain the URL then use it for Airtable.

I have not tried it myself but one thing I know is Airtable will not use local file path.

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So how do I use cloudinary integration with airtable,I think it’s time, you @muneer start a YouTube channel about Nocode apps😁

Thank you for your comments.

I don’t consider my self good in explaining things. This is why I tend to create lots of project example.

When you upload anything to Cloudinary you get the URL back. use this URL to save in your record in Airtable or google sheet.

Airtable has a column type Attachment where you can upload files directly in it. Thunkable does not yet have a component to do that within the project.

Oh,well you have really been helpful to us on the platform

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So how do I use cloudinary with airtable,in my case am working on a posting app for a large group of people,I want it to be simple,but users can post images,and their post will get reactions just LIKes,and COMMENts,
Meanwhile am using Airtable as my Backend.
So please educate me and give tips please

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see my reply above

That may be the problem, users will be uploading images on a daily,so means I can’t give that cloudinary right?

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You can do that using the cloudinary with MediaDB component. Once your user uploads the image, MediaDB will respond with the Cloudinary URL to retrieve it. Save this URL in your Airtable in the user’s post record so you can retrieve it whenever required.