Counting JSON objects (again!)


I am trying to get a count on the number of items in a JSON object -

[{"name":"Jayden Yates","___class":"roll"},{"name":"Jenna Zane","___class":"roll"},{"name":"Jeremiah Anderson","___class":"roll"},{"name":"Jessica Bailey","___class":"roll"},{"name":"John Chambers","___class":"roll"},{"name":"Jonathan Dixon","___class":"roll"},{"name":"Jordan Ellis","___class":"roll"},{"name":"Joseph Fletcher","___class":"roll"},{"name":"Joshua Gonzalez","___class":"roll"},{"name":"Joy Hayes","___class":"roll"}]

JSON viewer shows the path as

If I get the length of the response it shows as 865.

In the Get Property of Object block I have tried, name,, array[0].name of response but get 0 for all.

Would appreciate any assistance.


I formatted the JSON you posted using the </> button in the toolbar so it was valid for using with Best JSON Viewer and JSON Beautifier Online. The first word “array” in your screenshot is not a property name. It just means the JSON starts with an array/list. This works to give you the size of the array (10 items).

Thanks, that worked.

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