I have a very strange behavior: I post an web api that return me about 150 rows json (already tested by Postman) … so when I have to parse it I cicle with “Count with” using the “lenght of” my response. The Block breaks (in both OS) … so I have shown in a label that lenght and it print 44.995 … it’s incredible.
I don’t understand …
Try to replace that red ‘ length of’ block with a blue ‘length of’ block from the lists blocks. The red block will count each character instead of each item in the Json
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I finally understood that the problem is the counting of the elements.
Even the blue “lenght” block gives me a wrong number, in fact if I set an exact manual number it works.
Maybe the count crash because the json returned is structured with root “GetShopsDistanceResult” and then the rows …
I tried to do the same loop with a JSON without row name “GetShopsDistanceResult” and the block "lenght blue - " works fine.
So I think this is an issue with this kind of json structure.