Hello everyone, hope you are all well.
Here is a tricky question:
I’m doing an app for an external company and i’d like to integrate Airtable’s database.
I would like them to have access to the database at some point as well as me just for maintenace purposes.
I created then a new gmail account an signed in Airtable in order to create a brand new database where we can both have access through the same (new mail), in this case the mail is app.nutrition@gmail.com.
I can access to the mail, they can too, so we can both ideally get into the Airtable’s database and modify if needed.
I’m at the point where i need to connect to the database to show items in the Data List but, when i’m trying to connect the base, it shows me the base from my personal account (the one i use for my apps)
And i can’t find the database from the other account i create.
My question is, is it meant to be like this, or is there any chance i can connect Thunkable to another Airtable’s account?
I know the question is tricky but hopefully you can help.
Thank you