Hi there,
What components you hope the Thunkable X will be added?
Will be updated frequently.
- Toast
- Date/Time Picker
- Checkbox
- Calendar
- Toggle
- Status bar customize
- Floating action button
- Video Player
- Spinner
- QR and Bar code Scanner
- Canvas and Sprite
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I would like to see the briefcase be added to the X platform. This would be huge in creating new app. Now you have to type everything into the app instead of taking the code from other apps. Ctrl C / Ctrl V does not work between apps, only within the app.
I would also like to see a lock button on the home screen so you don’t accidentally edit a good working copy of your app or accidentally delete an app.
But the briefcase is much more important.
I am confused. What is Toast? As in the toasted bread?
I was going to remove this message because after I stopped being lazy and searched the component I now understand. But maybe someone will get a laugh out of this
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That was my first thought too.
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