Compare number in list

Hi All,

i want to compare number in list. if similar it will saying same number and if not, the number is available. below is the block and seem not reflect what i want.

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How can you compare text input to a list?

If you solve the above one then how can you compare a text to a number?

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I think you want to use the does list contain block:

But you also need to know that you can’t directly compare a text string to a number. For example, “40” does not equal 40. You need to convert one of them. One way to do this is to add zero (0) to the text string. That converts it to a number and then you can directly compare that value to another number.

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consider list enter by user and will add to list also. main point i dont want same number in a list.

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i will try on this.

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such as block working on standard list but when i change list to data source like airtable is not really work.



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Take out the list/gear block in the second screen shot. It’s causing a problem because the “list of values” block already creates a list. But you’re trying to create a list with a list inside it… that won’t work.

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i have changed and not work with airtable or localdb.


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In your IF condition you use does list ((list2)) contains and then you have 0 + Text_Input. Use only Text_Input without adding 0.

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thank you muneer that worked.
now i can go to next stage. hopefully your previous block about generate standard number will work with this block.

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