A message need to be shown based on certain criteria. What am.i doing wrong?

Hi all, A message need to be shown based on certain criteria. What am i doing wrong? Can someone help me. Currently it doesnt show.

Hi can anyone please look through the above and guide me…?

Hello @aswinchandrasekharan
Thank you for sharing a screenshot of your blocks
It seems that you are trying to check if a list “typelist” is equal to a text which is not possible.
Could you please use text blocks inside the condition?
For example:


hi the condition is
if the typelist selection made out of the list was A350.
if the fuel after value calculated by the app is between certain number
if the decrepancy text calculated by the app is > certain number
then the warning message visibility is true
if the conditions do not meet then it is false.

typelist is a list
fuel after and discrepancy are labels
when i enter a set of values into a bunch of textboxes the app calculates fuel after, discrepancy and a few more. im trying to put a warning message to be displayed if certain conditions are met when the calculations are shown.

so far the item causing it to not display is the marked condition. rest are working.

Add the list block to the left of the “A350” text block. You need to compare lists to lists because the green text items block is a list so the right side of the equation needs to be a list as well. You’ll make the text block into a list with one item.

A better way to code this is to assign a variable to the item block of the Item Click event block below and then use that variable in all of your conditional “if” blocks instead of using the text items block. Then you can compare text strings to text strings.
