Como alterar a visao do painel de componentes na lateral esquerda

o visual do meu painel lateral esquerda é diferente do painel dos meus alunos, como posso alterar e deixar igual? o meu esta todos os componentes um em baixo do outro e o deles esta em quadradinhos.

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Google Translation:

the look of my left side panel is different from my students’ panel, how can I change and leave the same? mine has all the components one under the other and theirs is in squares.

Is it possible you and your students are using different interfaces? There is the Snap to Place interface and the Drag & Drop interface.

Can you post a screenshot?


You are using the StP (Snap to Place) interface and your students are using the DnD (Drag and Drop) interface.

You can simply create a new project and make sure there is a tick in the box where it says try it out to have the same interface the students are having.

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Era isso mesmo, deu certo, muito obrigada

Era o Drag & Drop mesmo, obrigada

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