Checking the image number of a sprite made with the "create" block stops "count" from continuing

I’m making an Arkanoid-like game and it works perfectly(needs some refining, but gameplay works), especially the block creation at the start, but when I try to add a counter for how many of the created blocks are unbreakable(sprite image number 5, the bug is even if I use 1,2,3 and 4) it only makes 1 block and freezes.
What could this be and how can I fix it(I have/can only check the app on T-live, I have android 13)

game generation works without the if

game freezes with the if

I’m not sure you I understood it completely just looking at the blocks the variable should not In the names… can you first try with that

That doesn’t matter, the game freezes even if the “if” is empty or if I use a different variable.

edit: I’ve removed the “.”, it didn’t fix it.
The problem is the “component” block, if I look at the paddle or ball it works, but the blocks aren’t pre-placed(and can’t be, because I want to make a version where they keep coming down/generating) so it doesn’t give me that option.

I confirmed the freeze occurs with the “if” block. I’m not sure what’s causing that so you may need Thunkable Staff to take a look at your project.

Yeah, it’s some tipe of bug with the “if” and “component” blocks, because tha game runs normally if in the conditions i choose the ball/paddle image numbers instead of the component