Can I Use the Data Viewer List for Notes App?


I’ve been trying to create an app that allows user to take notes(and update/delete them), and I’ve been trying to use the Data Viewer List as it seems to be the logical choice, at least for me. However, before I continue, I’d like to know if an app like this already exists and if it’s available to be remixed? The No Code Apps with Darren’s Brain Dump 2.0 seems to no longer be available for public use.

Thank you.

@darren’s site looks to still be up. I haven’t registered for it, so I don’t know if the project is still available for remix or not, but I’ve tagged him here, so he may chime in. :slight_smile:

I don’t have a project like this to share with you, sorry. :slight_smile:

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No problem! I’m new to Thunkable, so any input regarding this is appreciated.

While I’m not sure about the exact app you mentioned, there are similar ones. You might want to check some app stores or online forums for inspiration and to see if any are available to remix. I’ve been using this cool service from for writing anonymous notes that self-destruct after reading, and it’s been a fun way to share thoughts without any lasting trace. Give it a try if you’re into that kind of thing! :smile: Good luck with your app development!