Camera description field is gone

Where is the Camera description field. The appstore and google play refused the app because I havent filled out this field. But I can not find it.

Got this error from App store.
“We noticed that your app requests the user’s consent to access their camera and photos but does not clarify the use of the camera and photos in the applicable purpose string”

It’s still there for me @funhall - if you scroll down past iOS version the next section is iOS Permissions, right?

No it is not…

I’ve never seen this setting @domhnallohanlon, can you show us a screenshot of this?

Wasnt it a screenshot

Or how will you like it??

My comment was for some Domhnallonalon, I’ve never seen a setting for iOS permissions

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Please can I have an answer so I can get the app in appstore and google play please

It is very strange because in the other app I have made the to fields is visable under the Android/Apple version fields
Please help me.

Hi, @funhall! :wave:

Have you tried hard refreshing chrome? It can be done through Ctrl + F5

Thanks! :blush:

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I have done that many times with no luck. So please let me have a nother solution…

Why is the reply stopped here. This is a prplem from Thunkable and I cant publish my app because of this missing fields…

Remove and re-add the camera component. I have a positive result on my project.


@funhall this is from a non-admin test account and as soon as the camera is added to the project the settings option appears.

In addition to @Balanced_Kitchen’s suggestion - why not just try adding a second camera component?