Button Sizes and Screens

I’m having difficulty setting the size of buttons to mirror other screens without this issue.

The project is here: Thunkable

The offending page is LegalHelpVideoLibraryTopics, and the good page is LegalHelpVideoLibraryBasics.

I have the same layout settings for each:

The same container settings:

And the same button settings:

But the buttons cut off the right page with the same settings:


Can you post component tree of both pages…

I would imagine you need to set height of container too fit content.

Also check if you have anything in the blocks.

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The working page is here:

The one that does not work is here:

The blocks in question are 2 buttons per container.

Wow that’s so many buttons and containers… sorry it’s very difficult to scan through.

Can you share the project?

Can you confirm The container which has squeeze button is still scrollable?

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Sure, the project is accessible here: Thunkable

I can confirm everything scrolls as expected.

This is my preview for the screen wit container 9 … and second image with container 1

I dont see button being cut

am I missing something. I did change width of container 9 to fill container

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I also tried the change mentioned and received similar results in the web preview:

But it’s now completely cut off in the on-device preview:

Can you please highlight cut portion you are talking about… also what device are you using?

You may want to try float in place instead of stretch

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Through some trial and error, I noticed when I change the labels and their respective containers to “Fit Contents”, the buttons appear in their entirety.


@tiny_apps Thank you for troubleshooting along with me.


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