Build app require login to thunkable

i’m doing my first project with this app and i managed to publish it to google play.

HOWEVER when i launch it, it shows the Thunkable login screen wich is strange…
I tried to connect but since my app does not require using internet it cannot connect.

Can you give me some ideas for possible solutions ?
Thaks !

Welcome to the community!

We will need a little more info to be able to help.

  • First, can you give us an overview of what the app is supposed to do/how it should act when it loads?
  • Did you test it using the live viewer app and if so did it work correctly before publishing?
  • Can you show a screenshot of the user interface and a screenshot of the blocks so we can have an idea how it works?

Thanks for this fast answer, i will give you more informations :
The app is a little game but that is not really important for why it’s not working I think

Here is the app since there is too much blocks to make only one screenshot since i did a lot of work on it before trying to publish it to play store.

Screen of the app working screenshot-working

Screen on the play store app (not working)

The “working screenshot” was taken using live web test but it was also working using android app version