[Bug] "string" and "Number" drop-down entries?

Hi All,

What is the purpose of the “string” and “Number” drop-down entries of the Height and Width parameters of the HorizontalArrangement and VerticalArrangement Designer Properties?


Also, the string and number entries don’t “stick” when chosen. Only the Pick One: Automatic, Fill persists,


The “string” dropdown selection allows you to specify the relative height (or width) of your component, expressed as a percentage of it’s parent’s height (or width). For example, you could specify ‘50%’ in the field below the dropdown. The “Number” dropdown selection allows you to specify the absolute size of the height or width of or your component.

Obviously, we will work to make this much clearer in the UI.


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The “stickiness” issue is a known bug.


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Hi @thunkable,

For v12, it looks like “string” and “number” are now selectable for most components’ height and width properties. But maybe rename:

  • string -> percent

  • number -> pixels

which makes more sense, and makes it the same as Android.

Several components have the string property choice mistakenly set to “fill”, instead of showing a number to be input.
