Assistant Dialogflow v2 instead of v1

The component “assistant” connects to v1 version of Dialogflow. How to utilize v2 as it uses google cloud auth (google service account) instead of the “client key”?


same question,v1 will be abandoned in Oct.2019.

The assistant component does not work in Thunkable X

The dialogflow v1 run with assistant well. Does assistant can update to run with dialogflow v2 before Oct.2019.?

I just tried the Dialogflow assistant in ThunkableX. I added the component on a screen (with some other componentes) but on the settings section (simple / advanced) the entry point for the client access token is gone. Are you working on the v2 connection? Or is it possible to connect to dialogflow right now and if so, how?

Anything on this yet?? It seems like a waste to put the component in there and then not have it work. That’s one of the main reasons I came over to Thunkable X, the Dialogflow integration

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@Techbot this component has since been updated, just wanted to close the loop on this.